Seeing Dead Relatives in the dream and what to do
There are some times you keep seeing dead relatives in your dreams while you are asleep. If you do no take your dreams seriously, you may need to observe every message you receive daily. Most times when you see dead people in the dream, they are familiar spirits. Those dreams are not good at all. They are bad.
Sometimes, you could even dream of seeing a closed relative treating you so bad in the dream.
These familiar spirits sometimes use the face of our loved one in making us do certain things in the dream which could destroy our lives completely. Once you begin to get familiar with them, they will hijack your glory or delay your destiny.
Sometimes, they appear in the dream because they want you to believe in them either by you having sex with them or making you believe that your dead ones are watching over you. Some also offer food in the dream too in the dream and it is usually someone you know in the dream that do that. Eating meat in the dream means witchcraft spirit.
Dreams are not ordinary. God also use dream to reveal certain things to us but not in a way we see dead relatives in the dream every time.
Seeing dead people in the dream could mean that the spirit of death is hovering round you or it wants to take someone close to you or someone you know is about to die.
So what should you do when you keep seeing dead relatives?
If you have any dreams like this, the best thing to do when you wake up, is to start praying immediately. If you can remember the names of the faces in the dream, call it out and pray against familiar spirit using their names in the dream to destroy you. Pray that their faces shouldn’t appear anymore.
Midnight prayer works well. At midnight, you can use a white candle to pray and cancel the dream. Allow the candle to burn completely. You must be strong spiritually so that this familiar spirit won’t come to you again. If your spirit is weak, it could come again.
If you continue to see it in your dream, you will need to meet a spiritualist so that you could pray together. If you see it continuously, that means the spirit of death is closer and you need to work it out this time in a traditional way.
In the traditional way, it is literally called, ‘cancel death ritual’. It is a ritual done wit either with a sheep (for a woman) and a goat (for a man). The things needed are egg, native leaves, dead rat or dead lizard, dead cat or any dead animal. The ritual is usually done by a Chief Priest of Priestess in a big bush.
Once the goat or sheep is killed during the ritual, it connotes that the spirit of death should replace the human life that is about to be taken with that of the goat or sheep. Some chief priest or priestess do this ritual with you present or using your picture.